The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Plants Seeds For Luke Cage Reboot

Written By Mikey Sutton • Editor-in-Chief • Owner

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Luke Cage Reboot

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier did more than just introduce the Black Captain America; it created an opening for a Luke Cage reboot.

As I wrote on February 9, Mike Colter played Luke Cage with charm, dignity, and strength for two seasons on Netflix.

Moreover, Colter’s portrayal was greeted with critical acclaim and fan applause.

He personified Cage’s nobility and tough-guy swagger.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige wants Mike Colter to return as Luke Cage under his creative supervision this time.

Under the Marvel Studios umbrella, Luke Cage will be rewarded with a larger budget and share adventures with larger MCU superheroes.

But how will he be introduced or reintroduced as Feige wants to scrap Netflix continuity?

That remains an unsolved question but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier planted a seed for his arrival.

In the latest episode, “The Star-Spangled Man,” Carl Lumbly debuted as Isaiah Bradley.

Bradley served the U.S. government during the Korean War; furthermore, he was also given the super-soldier system that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America.

In other words, there may have been a secret Black Captain America.

In the comic books, Bradley’s story was told in the out-of-print mini-series Truth: Red, White & Black written by the late Robert Morales and illustrated by Kyle Baker.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Plants Seeds For Luke Cage Reboot

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Luke Cage Reboot

Image: Marvel Comics

The tale had basis in real life, namely the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

Racist, unethical studies were done to hundreds of African-Americans.

128 African-Americans died as a result of 40 years of so-called testing.

Luke Cage first appeared in the comics in 1972, just when reports of these experiments hit the media.

There’s no denying the inspiration.

On his Netflix show, Cage was an imprisoned black man who was tested on, eventually resulting in his powers.

Apparently, Luke Cage’s new origin for Marvel Studios will be connected somewhat to Bradley’s in the utilization of the super-soldier serum.

Feige certainly knows how to put those puzzle pieces together.


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