DC Studios Gives Exciting John Krasinski Batman Rumor A Beat Down

Written By Kieran Bugg and Mikey Sutton • Editor-in-Chief • Owner

John Krasinski Reportedly Cast As Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards

DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn shot down gossip that John Krasinski was being considered to play Batman in The Brave and The Bold. At this point, rumors about DC Studios projects are often more exciting than the reality of the situation.

For every exciting scoop, such as Gal Gadot returning for Wonder Woman 3 or Ben Affleck’s voice in Blue Beetle, Gunn cuts them off at the knees. And the alternative is either vague or unknown at this point.

Whenever news emerges about the DCU, franchise Gunn seems hell bent on either confirming or dismissing it. This is in contrast to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, who never says a word about online chatter about the MCU. Feige allows fan dialogue to continue, keeping the MCU base regularly stoked about what could be coming.

He’s quiet, letting imaginations explode before confirming a number of them at SDCC stages.

DC Studios Gives Exciting John Krasinski Batman Rumor A Beat Down

DC Studios Gives Exciting John Krasinski Batman Rumor A Beat Down

Image: Disney

Gunn, on the other hand, is like the health nut Karen who takes away your candy and replaces it with broccoli. Gunn frequently responds to fans asking if a certain film was in development or if this actor was being looked at for a major role via his social media. Which would be perfectly fine if he had treats that would electrify followers.

The arrival of obscure or lesser-known DC superheroes like Metamorpho, Mr. Terrific, and the Authority may please comics collectors wanting to unload their slabbed first appearances. Still, one wonders how any of this will convert the general public to DC Studios.

This time involves an unexpected story that suggested that the A Quiet Place director and star Krasinski was in the running to play the DC Studios’ Batman in The Brave and The Bold.

Before Chris Evans was cast as Captain America, Krasinski originally auditioned and apparently was a shoe-in before Evans came along. Moreover, he would later briefly portray a variant of Mr. Fantastic in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Krasinski won’t be reprising the role in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot with the change of directors.

With that being said, a role in the DCU might be on the table for the actor. Or perhaps not.

It won’t be as Batman after Gunn sliced and diced it after being asked to confirm its credibility.

Via his social media, Gunn wrote:

“I don’t know what you’re talking about but we don’t even have a script, and there’s a strike happening, so, no, no casting.”

Many strongly agree that Supernatural star Jensen Ackles should be considered for the role of Batman. After all, Ackles is no stranger to the superhero genre after his villainous role as Soldier Boy in the fourth season of Amazon Prime’s hit series The Boys.

Before that, he had already worked with DC on the 2010 animated movie Batman: Under The Red Hood providing the voice of the adult Jason Todd.

In addition, the actor had also previously voiced The Dark Knight himself in the two-part animated adaptation of Jeph Loeb’s acclaimed storyline, The Long Halloween.

DC Studios Gives Exciting John Krasinski Batman Rumor A Beat Down

DC Studios Gives Exciting John Krasinski Batman Rumor A Beat Down

Image: Facebook

When asked about playing Batman in live-action at a recent fan-event, Jensen Ackles said:

“Look, right now nobody’s talking about anything. There’s a strike going on in the entertainment industry, and until that gets solved, nobody is having conversations about anything. Would I entertain the idea of playing my favorite superhero of all time? Nah, I’m good (laughs)… sounds like a lot of work. I would love it. Sign me up.”

We probably won’t hear anything official about who will be cast as the DCU’s Batman for a couple years yet.

Until then, if something sounds too good to be true about DC Studios, it probably is.