Andrew Garfield On Playing Spider-Man Again: No Plans (Sure)

Written by Joy Lyn Parohinog Francisco

In a recent red carpet interview with Variety at the SAG Awards, Andrew Garfield said he has no plans on playing Spider-Man again.

Garfield was caught a bit off-guard with the question “are you doing Spider-Man again?”, which he immediately answered:

Uhh yeah! Well uhh (laughs) I… no.. no plans. That’s the truth. I mean everyone’s gonna call me a liar for the rest of my life. …I am the boy who cried wolf now. That’s that.

Quite immediately he was about to say yeah… but stops himself short possibly thinking “here we go again”

That could possibly be the truth especially if we add the word “yet” to that statement.

Or “No, no plans…” and in his mind he says “at the moment.”

No one  bothered to check if he was crossing his fingers while he said that.

Note: he had his left hand in his pocket the whole time.

Andrew Garfield on Playing Spider-Man Again: No Plans (Yeah, Right.)

Andrew Garfield on Playing Spider-Man Again: No Plans

Image: Sony Pictures

The reaction Garfield showed is so uncannily reminiscent of his actions in the past denials of being in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

It’s most likely the reason he says everyone will be calling him a liar as he claimed himself to be the boy who cried wolf.

Indeed, in many interviews during the months before the premiere of the movie, he was telling everyone that it is like he is playing a game of “Wolf”.

The game where everyone is accusing him to be the wolf and he keeps telling everyone he is not.

So let us indulge ourselves with studying the possibilities:

  1. He is saying the truth.
    1. Because there’s no offer to play Spider-Man again …YET.
    2. Because he’s tied to another project for the time being.
  2. He is lying.
    1. Because there’s already a plan and he is bound by NDA …again.
    2. Because this keeps the fans interested and keeps us talking about him playing Spider-Man.

Small Screen is convinced he will still take on the web slinging role in the future.

Provided of course that Sony Pictures offers a hefty sum and a perfect script.

Andrew Garfield on Playing Spider-Man Again: No Plans

Andrew Garfield on Playing Spider-Man Again: No Plans

Image: Sony Pictures

Though the article also pointed out that Andrew Garfield may be a bit apprehensive about taking on the role in a stand alone film apart from the Marvel Universe.

Furthermore, they feel that Garfield taking the role again may actually be “slim”.

Whether Garfield is saying the truth or not, it is undeniable that audiences from around the world, even during a pandemic, welcomed him as Spider-Man again.

There is also the undeniable fact that he, Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland can always come back to portraying the roles because of what Spider-Man: No Way Home did.

Moreover, the development of Sony’s Spider-Verse and the villains they are building up will eventually require a Spider-Man, or perhaps Spider-men, down the road.

The possibility is still there for Andrew Garfield to be Spider-Man in the future.

There is no mistaking that fact.

In the meantime, let us give Garfield the benefit of the doubt that he is saying the truth. And perhaps he is.

For now.

It’s fun to play the wolf game again with you, Andrew.