Review: Marvel Legends Disney+ Wave 6 Inch U.S. Agent Action Figure

Written By Dan Hickman • Toy Editor

Review Marvel Legends Disney Wave 6 Inch US Agent Action Figure

Hasbro brings John Walker into the plastic realm with their U.S. Agent 6 inch Marvel Legend, based on his appearance in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

*Possible Spoilers*

John Walker, A highly decorated Captain, serving in the U.S. Army’s 75th Rangers Regiment was chosen to succeed Steve Rogers as Captain America.

In spite of his desire to carry on and live up to Rogers’ legacy, Walker earned the disdain of both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes while pursuing the Flag Smashers. After facing defeat in his attempts to apprehend Karli Morgenthau, leader of the Flag Smashers, and a super soldier, Walker happened upon a vial of the super soldier serum.

After injecting himself with the concoction, Walker once again went into battle to capture Morgenthau. When his partner/best friend Lemar Hoskins, going by the name Battlestar, was killed in action, Walker publicly murdered a surrendering Flag Smasher.

This led the U.S. Government to strip him of both the mantle of Captain America and dishonorably discharge him, complete with total loss of military rank and benefits. In rage and frustration, Walker crafted his own shield and fought Morgenthau again in New York City.

Fortunately Walker didn’t give in to his desire for revenge, but instead joined Wilson and Barnes in stopping her attack on the GRC. Recruited by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, he was given a new red, white, and black uniform and rechristened as U.S. Agent.

Once again, the limited accessories bug strikes. I get that it’s expensive and would push the figure cost higher, but c’mon Hasbro, you’re able to jam pack the “Deluxe” figures with neat accessories, let’s start adding a little more to the base figures… PLEASE?!?

U.S. Agent comes with two pairs of hands, a fisted set and another pistol holding set.

However, he doesn’t come with a pistol, or shield. Yes, I’m aware that he wasn’t given a shield at the end of the show, but anybody familiar with U.S. Agent knows that he sports his own shield.

Hopefully we’ll see one in the future. Agent also comes with one wing section of the Build – A – Wings set.

Review: Marvel Legends Disney+ Wave 6 Inch U.S. Agent Action Figure

Review Marvel Legends Disney Wave 6 Inch US Agent Action Figure

The Marvel Legends Disney+ U.S. Agent has to be based on pre-production information as his costume isn’t screen or even box art accurate. Rather than having the black, red, and white motif, this version looks to be just a repaint of the Walmart Exclusive John Walker Captain America. He has no white on his chest and the silver “Star/A” emblem on his mask shouldn’t be there either.

That being said, the paint deco is done nicely. The red shows very well against the black figure, but could be a bit brighter. The silver trim on his belt and uniform is applied well and looks very clean.

I was happy that the paint apps on his head were done very well and that they were applied evenly. I guess I’m most surprised by the fact that they had accurate box art to reference, but didn’t.

This bothered me so much that I took a moment from writing this review to look at pictures of the Walmart Exclusive an d confirm my suspicions that this is a repaint and as such, I find it to be lazily done and disappointing.

If you’re going to repaint then, at least have the decency to get the deco done properly to match the screen look. For crying out loud, look at the darn box art for guidance!

On the plus side, the standard Legend articulation works very, very well on this figure. Agent’s head is on a big ball peg which allows him to turn side to side, look upward and downward rather decently, and has the “piledriver” forward/backward motion. I actually really like the amount of movement on this figure’s head.

His arms/shoulders will rotate easily and he features upper bicep swivel, double jointed elbows which bend in very tight, and wrists that both hinge and pivot on both pairs of hands.

He has a decent diaphragm crunch with excellent sculpt and paint apps covering the torso on both front and back.

His waist pivots and his legs have excellent range of motion. He can do excellent splits, kick forward very far, double jointed knees which allow mine to bend deep and ankles that hinge upward, down, and pivot very nicely.

In spite of the uniform inaccuracies, I will admit that I do like this U.S. Agent. I’m considering buying a second one to customize for a more screen accurate look.

As with Vision, Agent’s articulation is excellent and helps redeem him somewhat from the poor appearance.


At the reasonable price point of $20, U.S. Agent earns himself 3.25 Toyboxes out of 5. You can find your own Disney+ Wave Legends figures at the Big Bad Toy Store. Thanks for checking out the toybox and, until next time… Geek Out!

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