Marvel Studios Wants James McAvoy Back As Professor X In Doctor Strange Sequel

Written By Mikey Sutton • Editor-in-Chief • Owner

Marvel Studios Wants James McAvoy Back As Professor X in Doctor Strange Sequel

When Professor X enters the MCU, he could have familiar face: James McAvoy. Marvel Studios seeks to have James McAvoy reprise his role as Professor X, the leader of the X-Men.

Moreover, sources indicate this is for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

I first broke the story of Professor X in the Doctor Strange sequel in January 3, 2020.

Several sites published my report then, which was my exclusive for The Cosmic Wonder YouTube channel.

In my original report, I wrote that:

Doctor Strange will need a group of new guardians that will protect the earth from the portal that the Scarlet Witch ripped wide open for the otherworldly terrors to invade our planet.

I revealed that the group would be the Illuminati.

I added that they are a “secret organization of highly intelligent and powerful individuals at the end of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.”

After the cracks in the multiverse caused by Loki and Spider-Man: No Way Home, the Illuminati will function as its protectors.

Watch The Exclusive Scoop On The Cosmic Wonder From Last Year

Originally, I thought Marvel Studios postponed the Illuminati after the passing of Chadwick Boseman.

After all, Boseman’s Black Panther was supposed to be an essential part of the Illuminati.

Insiders tell me that Professor X will be introduced as a longtime and trusted friend of Doctor Strange.

If that is the case, then James McAvoy would play a different MCU version of the character.

In other words, he’s not tied to the continuity of Fox’s X-Men films.

James McAvoy debuted as Professor X in 2015’s X-Men: First Class.

Furthermore, he’d be a variant of the character.

Apparently, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige admired James McAvoy’s work as Professor X.

When James McAvoy took over the character from Patrick Stewart, there was some skepticism if he could create his own mark.

He did.

Marvel Studios Wants James McAvoy Back As Professor X In Doctor Strange Sequel

Image: 20th Century Fox

In fact, James McAvoy is probably just as popular as Stewart was as Charles Xavier.

Certainly, Stewart was iconic; his final goodbye in 2017’s Logan no doubt cemented his legacy.

Stewart realized that.

In the end, Feige reportedly couldn’t convince him to come back.

Although many of the other X-Men will be recast, Marvel Studios is in favor of keeping James McAvoy should he sign.

As of press time, I cannot confirm that James McAvoy has gotten past the negotiation process.

Also, the amount of screen time Professor X will have is unknown.

A rumored fight scene between Professor X and the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) seems beyond the Feige playbook.

I can’t imagine him throwing in a new (to the MCU) character for the climactic action sequence of a movie.

That doesn’t seem to follow Feige’s normally structured and linear path.

More likely, Professor X will cameo at the end.

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