Harry Styles’ Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction In MCU Future

Written by Edwin Francisco

Harry Styles Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction in MCU Future

When One Direction singer Harry Styles makes his MCU debut in Eternals, it’s only the beginning with Marvel Studios.

According to a new report, Harry Styles reportedly signed for a five-picture deal with Marvel Studios.

In fact, a solo picture is also a possibility for the rising actor.

While we don’t know which projects Marvel Studios plans for him next, they’re likely on a cosmic level.

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Harry Styles appears in a post-credits scene for Eternals.

Like previous MCU bonus cuts, the scene previews the franchise’s future.

With this in mind, the significance of this cannot be measured.

Harry Styles is Eros, one of the Eternals. If you are not familiar with Eros, he is big.

So big in fact, he’s the brother of one of the MCU’s biggest villains, Thanos.

To comic-book fans, though, he’s better known as Starfox. (In spite of the same, he’s not connected to the video game.)

Harry Styles In The MCU

Harry Styles’ Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction in MCU Future

Image: Marvel Comics Group

He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother

Writer/artist Jim Starlin created Starfox for Iron Man No. 55 in 1973.

Moreover, Thanos debuted in the same comic.

Eros is the youngest child of A’Lars and Sui-San, the same parents as Thanos.

A’Lars, Sui-San, and Eros look human just like the Eternals; however, Thanos himself is colored purple.

If you are wondering why is Thanos purple, this is because he has Deviant Syndrome.

Deviants are the villains of in Eternals.

Thanos, having this Deviant Syndrome, technically makes him a mutant.

Starfox was originally named Eron but was renamed Eros because of his interest in the opposite sex.

While Eros was fun-loving, adventurous, and carefree, Thanos was power-hungry.

To illustrate, when Thanos attacked Titan (Moon of Saturn, home of the Titans), this event killed Eros and Thanos’ mother, Sui-San.

Afterward, Eros took life seriously and fought hard to defeat Thanos. Thus, he joined forces with Captain Mar-Vell and the Avengers.

Since Titan was war-torn after their battle with Thanos, Eros was free to leave.

Harry Styles’ Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction in MCU Future

Image: Marvel Comics Group

Avengers Assemble

Eros went to Earth to satisfy his needs.

He went to a group he was familiar with, the Avengers.

He was given the name Starfox when he became a member of the superhero team.

Since Starfox is basically an Eternal, he has the same abilities as they do.

For example, he has superhuman powers such as teleportation.

In addition, he can manipulate cosmic energy, transmute matter, and can fly.

Not only that, but he’s practically immortal.

Harry Styles’ Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction in MCU Future

Disney Will Ignore Much of This

Starfox does have a very unique power; he can cause his abilities to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain within 25 feet of himself.

Because of this, he can make people highly aroused, euphoric, and totally sedated.

He also can create emotional bridges; also, he can make two people feel the emotions of each other.

He can use this ability with himself and another person or with two different persons close to him.

Starfox was generally a hero, but with much interest in physical pleasure.

At times, his lustful adventures put him into really bad situations. (Disney has left the building.)

In the comics, Starfox and Thanos fought a few times, but when they happened it was deep because they are brothers.

Harry Styles’ Eternals Debut Shows More Than One Direction in MCU Future

Image: Marvel Comics Group

More Than One Direction for Harry Styles?

We don’t know what Marvel Studios is planning for Harry Styles’ version of Starfox, but we are sure that it is quite significant.

After all, Harry Styles signed him up for recurring roles means that they have an extended mission for Starfox.

Nevertheless, it’s doubtful that Harry Styles will deal with fighting Thanos (Josh Brolin).

He’s already gone from existence because of the events of Avengers: Endgame.

Yet there is a chance that we can see flashbacks in succeeding movies. Subsequently, even a Starfox solo film might even return Thanos in his younger years.

Perhaps there is a form of resurrection for Thanos because of Starfox; that did happen in the comics.

However, that’s purely speculative.

Eternals opens in theaters only on Friday.


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