Alan Moore Nearly Wrote Astonishing Marvel Hero In Shocking Reveal

Written By Ringo Ordoñez

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Alan Moore showed interest on coming back to Marvel Comics in the early 2000s in a surprising reveal by Marvel Executive Editor and Senior VP Tom Brevoort. The Watchmen legend has been heavily critical of superhero comic books after his bitter experiences with DC Comics in the late ’80s. Nevertheless, he could’ve written an Ant-Man story for Marvel Comics.

Brevoort explained:

I did later make an attempt to convince Alan to write FANTASTIC FOUR, unsuccessfully—he did have an interest in doing ANT-MAN, though I was never quite certain whether we could sell it in sufficient quantities to make it worth pursuing, and it never came together in any event. But I bet his Ant-Man would have been mind-blowing.

By that time Ant-Man wasn’t as popular amongst the general public, not until he became widely popularized by movies. This may be one factor Marvel Comics turned down the offer. Whatever the reason, it’s a massive loss.

Brevoort worked together with Alan Moore on the Heroes graphic novel, a landmark project created for charity in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks where he pursued Moore into writing for Marvel again. But Alan Moore seems to be immovable by his decision despite showing interest in writing Ant-Man.

Though Alan Moore has turned his back on superhero comic books, this revelation from Brevoort made fans linger in their imagination of how Ant-Man would’ve been if it was written by him.

Alan Moore Nearly Wrote Astonishing Marvel Hero In Shocking Reveal

Alan Moore Nearly Wrote Astonishing Marvel Hero In Shocking Reveal

Image: Twitter

According to Alan Moore, the reason for his dissatisfaction with the current comics industry is the age demographic. He also believes that the targeted age group for comic books shifted, with adult readers replacing the original pre-teen audience.

Moore contributed to Marvel UK, the renowned comic book publisher’s British subsidiary, in the early 1980s. In this position, Moore created the well-known vigilante Night Raven and began a noteworthy collaboration with Captain Britain, which was essential in laying the groundwork for the Marvel multiverse.

Moore’s involvement with Marvel was limited to his work for Marvel UK and a brief appearance in the 1985 book Heroes for Hope.

Considering his retirement from the comic book industry and his previous criticisms of superheroes, it is unlikely that Moore will return to Marvel for future projects.

Nevertheless, Moore’s contributions to comics, including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and Batman: The Killing Joke have garnered widespread acclaim, establishing him as a highly-esteemed and accomplished comic-book writer.

Alan Moore Nearly Wrote Astonishing Marvel Hero In Shocking Reveal

Alan Moore Nearly Wrote Astonishing Marvel Hero In Shocking Reveal

Image: Warner Bros. Discovery

While the prospect of another superhero comic by Moore may seem unlikely, fans can still hold onto hope that there might be a chance, even if it is just a single issue, to satisfy their enthusiasm and admiration for Moore’s exceptional creations.

The anticipation for any potential return of Moore to the comic book medium remains alive among his dedicated supporters