Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire In Spider-Man: No Way Home

Written By Mikey Sutton • Editor-in-Chief • Owner

Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Jamie Foxx again provided more confirmation that Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Spoiler alert?

On his Instagram account, Jamie Foxx posted a picture of lightning.

Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Image: Instagram, iamjamiefoxx

However, the shocker is what he wrote below it.

Jamie Foxx added the hashtag #chasingspiders.

LOL, Sony, LOL.

Oops, he did it again.

On October 2020, Jamie Foxx showed three Spider-Mans facing his Electro on Instagram.

In other words, if you want Spider-Man leaks, Jamie Foxx is your man.

24 hours later, Jamie Foxx hasn’t deleted it.

Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire In Spider-Man: No Way Home

Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Image: Instagram, iamjamiefoxx

At this point, that’s futile. Screenshots of his IG reveal spread through social media at Flash speed.

Certainly, there’s more than enough evidence to convince everyone about the truth.

Unless Tom Holland clones himself (no, Sony, no!), Jamie Foxx is chasing two previous spiders:

Andrew Garfield and Maguire.

Jamie Foxx’s slip is the latest in a series of comical revelations.

In particular, there have been leaked pictures and videos.

Also, there is a trailer that confirmed the leaked pictures and videos.

Sony attempts to convince they’re all technical mishaps.

Sorry, Sony, no company can be that asleep at the wheel.

Well, maybe.

However, how Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige feels about all this is unknown.

Perhaps not.

Thus, the question remains how long Sony will keep Andrew Garfield and Maguire a secret.

Moreover, will Andrew Garfield stop blinking?

Jamie Foxx Confirms Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire In Spider-Man: No Way Home

Image: Sony Pictures

In any case, Jamie Foxx looks dazzling in his Electro return.

Jamie Foxx played Electro in 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Unfortunately, the script arguably wasn’t worthy of an Oscar winner like him. Thus, critics bashed the sequel. Similarly, audiences were lukewarm.

Consequently, Sony asked Marvel Studios for assistance.

Therefore, when Jamie Foxx was announced for Spider-Man: No Way Home, many asked: “Why?”

Although briefly shown in the trailer, Electro looks closer to his comics roots. In fact, there’s even a clever nod to co-creator Steve Ditko’s original mask.

Spider-Man: No Way Home gives Feige an opportunity to fix the past. At the same time, he shuts its doors.

There’s poetic double meaning in the title.

For Spider-Man, there’s No Way Home back to Sony.

Even though Sony owns the theatrical IP for now, the MCU is truly home.

As Seona Dancing one sang, “And now we’re moving to new beginnings/But as we move we looked once behind.”

Related: Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Teased Tobey Maguire And Andrew Garfield

Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Teased Tobey Maguire And Andrew Garfield